The State Archive of Sound Records

Byul-Byul's Memorial Museum
Gramaphone April 1905 Pate Sport-Record Phonovalik Extraphone Nogin

The State Sound Recording Archives of the Azerbaijan Republic (ARDSYA) was created in 1968. At the start the Archives consisted of 4 departments:
1. Sound Records' Registration and Storage Department
2. Archives Fund's (currently National Archives Fund) Supply & Acquisition Department
3. Sound Records' Issue & Usage Department
4. Scientific Technical Department

Presently first three departments are combined into one that implements all three functions.

I) Firstly, all sound records brought in should pass mandatory expertise from governmental bodies and be inscribed at registration book. There should be indicated sound record's origin, i.e. its historical-cultural value, quality and other features. Basing on the data, a card is prepared with name and description. Then it is put into the card index. Also the following actions are undertaken:


Ataxan Əvəz oğlu Paşaev 

a) insurance fund creation for the most valuable sound records;
b) out-of-date sound records are modernized and updated;
c) sound records that are flammable are packed to fireproof containers;
d) sound records, issued at the beginning of the century, are treated chemically and cleaned with fungi stat.

State Sound Archives started to collect and store video records from 1995,as well. Moreover, archives' collaborators make themselves video records.

II) State Sound Archives' collaborators reveal valuable sound records from organizations, institutions and individuals and work hard to provide governmental protection for brought in to archive records.
III) State Sound Archives should carry out the following:

a) to issue sound records;
b) to collect various sound records and prepare numerous subjected reviews;
c) to collaborate with experts;
d) to conduct explanatory work on archival records' value with the press, radio and TV.

Yaqub Mədətov

Gultekin Sultanova (presently Doctor of Philology) was the first Director of Azerbaijan State Sound Archives (January 1969 - 1974).
Yagub Madatov is the present Head of Azerbaijan State Sound Archives (since 1974).

Address: 370106, Baki, Azadlıq av.,168
Phone :
(99412) 463-02-95, 463-02-94

© Musigi Dunyasi
© Keroglu-T
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